Zak Cobb
Webmaster, Program Builder, Handyman

[email protected]

Zak’s primary role at Growing Washington is designing and maintaining the organization’s web presence by presiding over our website, our online stores, our CSA sign-up sites, and our online restaurant delivery program site. On a shoestring budget Zak has created several online transaction sites, and in doing so has helped Growing Washington and dozens of farms that we work tech-up and move units up and down the I-5 corridor. Whether he is out in the county transporting local farm products, in Bellingham packing a CSA box, in his underwear at home designing a website, or shopping at the market—Zak means business for local farmers.

Zak also fills in at the Local Food Exchange, has provided great photography, is a critical member of the CSA team, and is helping to grow our relationships with local restaurants, grocery stores, catering companies, and institutions through our small-scale regional ordering and transportation work. Zak also hung up the banner at the LFE, was going to install some kind of an antenna in a tree at the farm, and helped Jay make an office out of an abandoned travel trailer. The list of skills is quite endless with this guy.

In his spare time Zak enjoys chasing around his son and his dog, enjoys being chased around by his wife, and dabbles in bike building and long-distance running.

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