Our Mission

It is not easy to come up with a mission for a project-based community organization that seeks to exclude no single Washingtonian. In a time of special interests and specialization it seems unreasonable to create an organization that has but one special interest: your interest. Growing Washington has selected broad program areas that it sees as most vital to the current and future health of the Evergreen State, but we have also included in our mission a focus that allows citizens and groups to help define and dictate what we strive to accomplish. Part of our mission is asking and encouraging Washingtonians to help us help them Do the Right Thing .

Mission of Growing Washington

Growing Washington strives to continuously enrich and improve the lives of all Washingtonians by empowering communities to work together toward mutual goals and by strengthening the sense of connectedness between individuals and between diverse groups. Growing Washington focuses on four program areas to fulfill this mission:

Sustainable Agriculture Program
We believe that Washington 's farmers and ranchers and the people they help feed depend on each other and are members of the same community. Growing Washington will help this community realize the long-term benefits of a sustainable, prosperous agriculture.

Economic and Societal Health Program
We believe that a healthy society both requires and provides that all individuals be free and politically potent and have equal opportunity to succeed in a free and sustainable economy. Growing Washington will bring individuals together to ensure Washington 's present and future economic and societal health.

Environmental and Cultural Preservation Program
We believe that a healthy society must preserve the diverse environmental and cultural legacies from which it draws its strength. Growing Washington will seek to foster appreciation of these legacies and to ensure their preservation by bringing together Washington 's stakeholders to integrate diverse approaches to community decision-making.

Doing the Right Thing
We believe that a society's institutions exist solely for the benefit of all members of a society and that communities are strengthened when institutions honor their obligations to citizens and when citizens honor their obligations to each other. Growing Washington , by promoting civics and ethics education and by helping to resolve conflicts between and within communities, will help enable Washington 's citizens and institutions to do the right thing. We will work with Washingtonians so long as we are working together.

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