Zach Zink
Urban Farmer, Pike Place Maestro, Community Organizer

Zach hails from Omaha, Nebraska. He grew up in the Midwest and went to school at St. Olaf in Minnesota. After college Zach went to work at a Lutheran Retreat Center in Eastern Washington called Holden Village, and worked his way up to being lead cook. At Holden he fell in love with food, and emerged from there eager to learn about organic farming. He became an intern at Growing Things farm in Carnation, Washington, and then moved on to work every day at the most famous farmers market in the country: Pike Place Market! In his capacity as Farm Program Assistant Zach has day to day interaction with dozens of farmers, and this involvement with producers has led him to be more and more involved in agricultural issues.

In his free time Zach is organizing and laboring to create a community garden in West Seattle called Longfellow Creek Garden. Longfellow is what caused Zach’s life trajectory to cross with Growing Washington. Zach feels that an alliance between agriculture in the country and agriculture in the city are going to be necessary as we enter into an era dominated by the twin threats of climate change and energy uncertainty. He believes that the Growing Washington @ Longfellow Creek Garden project is a bold new approach to feeding people and building resilient community.

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