The Farm at 21 Acres

On the diverse site at 21 Acres, Growing Washington manages the farm team, cultivating 5 acres on which grow over 50 different varieties of great local food. Our farm Woodinville is unique in many ways. Our farm is completely open to the public to see our operation and to participate in the farming. This open door has encouraged the creation of a very young farm team, with diverse skills, all intent on making 21 acres a place where they can learn and grow as farmers along with the community they educate. Here at 21 Acres, Growing Washington will display Organic techniques for farmers inside a design framework for the whole site which includes many elements of Permaculture.

On this site we will be growing many different foods for many different markets all around the Puget Sound! Some food will be specialty varieties for some of Seattle’s finest restaurants and farmers markets, while other food will be traditional favorites like carrots and salad for local schools. What is important to realize about our farm at 21 Acres is that because we are a non-profit partnered with another non-profit, we have very unique goals; we are hoping to create education, outreach, and change from our work at 21 Acres along with tons of fresh local food!

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